.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Guides

A few short words on how to make non-autistic circles in Minecraft.

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This is hardly a guide, but I felt that it would be helpful after seeing people make pixel art so autistic I had to avert my eyes. Just useful information.

Also, a short message regarding various mining methods and their efficiency.

Are these suppose to be drawings of possible mining techniques? If so, then I gotta say, some of them are good ideas.

The circle one might be surprisingly useful at some point for me.
I was thinking of making shit on a graph like that before actually building it but I'm always too lazy.


--- Quote from: Adam on May 29, 2011, 03:26:54 PM ---The circle one might be surprisingly useful at some point for me.
I was thinking of making shit on a graph like that before actually building it but I'm always too busy.

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You can repeat it in the same method with any size, as long as you use the same 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 side length method.

We had a power outage on Friday, so I was stuck in PROGRAMMING class for 2 hours. Luckily, I'm OCD and carry a stack of graph paper in my binder at all times.


--- Quote from: Julian on May 29, 2011, 03:46:46 PM ---You can repeat it in the same method with any size, as long as you use the same 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 side length method.

We had a power outage on Friday, so I was stuck in PROGRAMMING class for 2 hours. Luckily, I'm OCD and carry a stack of graph paper in my binder at all times.

--- End quote ---
Yea, but only problem is with spheres :L.
They're a bitch to make, cause if you try making a sphere using that diagram and making it 3 dimensional it doesn't work quite right.


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