Restricted (Read Only) > Senior Members

tell me why people are like this

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--- Quote from: Julian on May 28, 2011, 06:22:27 PM ---The problem is with people who feel the need to control everything so that it fits their altered idealistic reality.

Good admins, however, are people who are able to have humility, admit defeat, and accept new ideas from subordinates. They also are never condescending, or deny an explanation to anyone.

Most younger kids feel that being an admin makes them the ruler of their own little "kingdom", which they can bend to their will however they like. In games, this equates to banning people randomly. It gives them a sense of power and worth.

Of course, being mature includes getting more satisfaction out of knowing you're a good manager than you do from just liking to ban alot.


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All summed up in one sentence:

--- Quote from: Adam on May 28, 2011, 05:59:00 PM ---Problems like this aren't only with younger people, it's with demanding, control, and insecure people.

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--- Quote from: Adam on May 28, 2011, 07:51:24 PM ---All summed up in one sentence:

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Well, what's the use of looking smart if you don't use big words in big paragraphs?

inb4 >implying x


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