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Disable the use of Armor Chargers as Zombies

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--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 27, 2011, 06:28:08 PM ---So you want to let zombies use armor chargers?

--- End quote ---

Yeah.  Considering how powerful the humans can become, the weapons can be, and what it is like in a map of 24 v 5 when many fire at you at once given the previous prerequisites, anything that seems to give you a chance is a welcome sight.

yeah should be fixed. Zombies shouldnt get armor.

If i remember correctly,
Armor chargers healed people twice as fast as the HP stations.
Maybe it was a small glitch idk.

>armor chargers work on zombies
>they don't work on humans

Well there is a flag for the suit charger entity called "citadel"

If you rememberer when you played the citadel level in hl2 the suit chargers healed both armor and health very fast.

Maybe you clicked that by mistake.


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