Creative Arts (Read Only) > Music

Needs to Start up a Good Metal Thread

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--- Quote from: coolzeldad on April 20, 2013, 01:42:11 PM ---b&

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coolz plz


The Sword - Cloak of Feathers (Official)
Holy FUCK I just listened to this band for the first time just now after finding it in the related to another good song:
Volbeat - Cape Of Our Hero
The Sword though what the fuck... They remind me SO fucking much of Sabbath with the instrumentals and vocal style (though the actual voices sound fairly different). I'm in fucking love. That fucking classic metal shit is too good... Singing style reminds me of Zeppelin slightly too. Just fucking awesome imo, wish I'd heard of them sooner. The song gives me a really nostalgic feeling too, just amazing.


--- Quote from: Sabb on May 03, 2013, 11:41:42 PM ---The Sword - Cloak of Feathers (Official)
Holy FUCK I just listened to this band for the first time just now after finding it in the related to another good song:
Volbeat - Cape Of Our Hero
The Sword though what the fuck... They remind me SO fucking much of Sabbath with the instrumentals and vocal style (though the actual voices sound fairly different). I'm in fucking love. That fucking classic metal shit is too good... Singing style reminds me of Zeppelin slightly too. Just fucking awesome imo, wish I'd heard of them sooner. The song gives me a really nostalgic feeling too, just amazing.

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Good EPIC find sir, and I must agree :0

The game is called Clutch,i fucking love it.

Armageddon Riders/Clutch - Mauler The Cradle of disarrangemet

The Color Morale - Strange Comfort (Music Video)

For All Those Sleeping - "I'm Not Dead Yet" Official Music Video


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