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Korean, how does it work?

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So you're on this thread to learn Korean or you just clicked it because it's a new thread. Anyway, I teach you the Korean.

Introductory, Korean is a rearry simple language to learn. Now that we're done with that we get to learn Korean.

Table of Contents.

1. The Korean Alphabet.

More to come later.

Video on how to pronounce the letters : Coming soon (5/27/11).

Chapter 1, The Korean alphabet.

The letters are separated into two categories, Vowels and Consonants.
(Keep in mind most letters in the Korean alphabet are pronounced like English letters.)

Vowels  :

ㅏ , This vowel is pronounced "Ah." It's like an "A."
ㅑ , This vowel is pronounced "Yah." It's like adding a "Y." In front of the "Ah."
ㅓ , This vowel is pronounced "Eo." An easier way to remember is by saying the word "Uh."
ㅕ , This vowel is pronounced "Yeo." An easier way to remember is by saying "Yuh."
ㅗ , This vowel is pronounced "O." It's like saying the word "Oh."
ㅛ , This vowel is pronounced "Yo." You say it like you're saying "Yo."
ㅜ , This vowel is pronounced "Oo." or "U."
ㅠ , This vowel is pronounced "Yoo." or "Yu." You can say it by saying "You."
ㅡ , This vowel is pronounced "Eu."
ㅣ , This vowel is pronounced "I." It's basically pronounced like a short "Ee."

Consonants :

ㄱ , This consonant is pronounced "G." It's also like saying a short "Gh." People also use it for this face, ㄱ.ㄱ
ㄴ , This consonant is pronounced "N." It's also like saying a short "Nh."
ㄷ , This consonant is pronounced "D." It's also like saying a short "Dh."
ㄹ , This consonant is pronounced "R." Roll your tongue when saying this, say "Rh." While rolling your tongue for the correct pronunciation.
ㅁ , This consonant is pronounced "M." It's also like saying a short "Mh."
ㅂ , This consonant is pronounced "B." It's also like saying a short "Bh."
ㅅ , This consonant is pronounced "S." It's also like saying a short "Shh."
ㅇ , This consonant is a tricky one. If it's in a word like oㅏ, you would only pronounce the ㅏ. However if it comes after a word like 쌍, you would add a "ng" sound to the end of the word.
ㅈ , This consonant is pronounced "Ch."
ㅊ , This consonant is pronounced "Ch ' ." (Refer to the bottom on the ')
ㅋ , This consonant is pronounced "G' or K' ."
ㅌ , This consonant is pronounced "D' ."
ㅍ , This consonant is pronounced "P' ." It's also like saying a short "Ph."
ㅎ , This consonant is pronounced "H ."

Note that " ' " means the letter is aspirated, i.e a sharp sound.

Let's spell our first word,

ㅎ +   ㅏ +   ㄴ =   한
h   a   n

ㄱ +   ㅜ +   ㄱ =   국
g   u   k

한국 pronounced HanGuk meaning Korea

More to come this Friday.


--- Quote from: Alphaggot on May 25, 2011, 02:33:31 PM ---ㅠ , This vowel is pronounced "Yoo." or "Yu." You can say it by saying "You."

--- End quote ---
Silly, that's not a vowel, that's pi.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)On a side note, I've never actually seen the Korean alphabet, or Korean writing at all.


Fucking Asian languages, Y U NO SIMPLER?!


--- Quote from: Peter on May 25, 2011, 03:23:59 PM ---ㅈㅈ!!!

--- End quote ---


That's the only Korean I know because of StarCraft.

Does knowing all this make me a god at SC2?


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