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That stupid Code Lyoko Kid's Minecraft server.

(1/5) > >>

Okay so I updated the server a little.

Ore Distribution is installed.

I am using the same map as Deacon (thanks for him sending it to me)

Essentials is installed.

About the lag, It comes and goes, it's never that bad, it goes away after three minutes or so, depends if my interwebs are being bitch or not.

OP's are Hitman, Deacon, And that supertoaster faggot.

>60 players
> ???


--- Quote from: Francis on May 24, 2011, 09:46:33 PM --->60 players
> ???

--- End quote ---
thats not how many i will have but I can probably only support about 20

I am making the limit to players 20 (for now, probably will lower)

Btw, PM'd

* Julian proceeds to join and xray everyone's chests
bonus points, I'm 20 minutes away from hurrrr-lrich's house so I'll have -9001 ping.


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