Entertainment (Read Only) > Anime & Manga

Full Metal Alchemist vs. Dragon Ball Z: The Battle I Can't Decide

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My all time favorite show is Soul Eater.

wow more hits than i thought remember guys vote on poll right now the grape is winning lol :D


--- Quote from: Sanders on May 17, 2011, 09:13:01 PM ---If i had to chose id chose FMA, but here are 71 shows that are better than either

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No Mobile Suit Gundam Seed?

I am disappoint

Anime sucks IMO.
Probably made by 30 year olds that live in their moms basements.
Just saying.


--- Quote from: Foofoojack on May 18, 2011, 08:59:45 PM ---Anime sucks IMO.
Probably made by 30 year olds that live in their moms basements.
Just saying.

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>All this bitch has seen is shitty manchildren shows like dbz and naruto
>hasnt seen deep shows like kino no tabi and serial experiments lain


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