Bans (Read Only) > Approved
This really isn't that important to me,, but [I FIXED THE IMAGES NAO]
Wowowow, thats enough evidence for like, 300 perma bans!
About the Marked One thingie, that was in the time when we were trolling around together I think, he doesn't need teh demotez.
» Magic «:
Interesting, I'll have another look and work some
magic in about 30 mins
--- Quote from: Waffle on September 04, 2010, 11:16:22 PM ---Cmon led... Really?
I think this is a total demote and banzor for led, warning for the rest.
--- End quote ---
Honestly, my main goal here was get led banz'd. I'm tired of seeing him get away with all kinds of shit and certain admins *Moo* completely ignore it and have habits of their own...
I'm not actually reporting moo, I love him like an abusive uncle, this is just for the lulz
gamefreak, I am disappoint.
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