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What I did for mothers day

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--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on May 08, 2011, 08:36:05 PM ---"Here ashley, let me help you fit your left titty in the swimsuit"

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Sure thing  :money:

Is it bad that the first thing I thought after reading op was "wtf there's cold stone in Kansas?"

Second thought was of course what devie said   ;)

Just say shes your gf and threaten to complain to her manager. That'll make her piss off fo' sure.

Then again I don't live in any western country so I don't know how it works. Sales women here always look great  ;D.


--- Quote from: jimonions on May 09, 2011, 12:07:58 AM ---Just say shes your gf and threaten to complain to her manager. That'll make her piss off fo' sure.

Then again I don't live in any western country so I don't know how it works. Sales women here always look great  ;D.

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this would work beautifully in jolly old over-PC America!


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