Creative Arts (Read Only) > Literature



Since school is here, i have alot of free time in my classes so ill probably post alot here ;P
This one i made just a bit ago:

--- Quote from: War ---Will war end?
Or will war continue as long as we live?
Is peace a realistic goal or a unreachable dream?
Is it that we are divided as a race?

Peace something dreamt by many,
does dedication matter?
What about love?
Is that enough to stop war,
or is it just another cause?

People fight over love,
but while others are fighting,
others are at peace because of it.

People fight over religion,
but if you look at the most common part,
the rules, war should be forbidden.
Why would people betray what they know,
just to prove something that,
in the end, isn’t worth proving.
For it is chosen by the individual,
what they believe in.

People fight over land,
but land was meant for all.
People fight over power,
yet the best power is knowledge.

People fight for survival,
yet no human should have to,
resort to violence against another,
just to protect themselves.

What people take for granted every day,
such as love, land, religion,
are also the very causes of wars.

Take a look at all that has passed.
All wars resolve to differences.
Has it truly become a world,
where even the slightest difference,
can spark a fight,
maybe even war?
Or will it change for the better?
Will we ever be able to accept,
the differences between others?
For every person is different.

--- End quote ---

I doubt i will ever accept poetry as a career lol but i might try to get some money from it ;P
Anyway criticism?

wow. Thats deep.

deep but true.
i honestly dont know why but i prefer the darker poems. ones like Emily Dickinson wrote, and that one guy who made a bunch of books about death (crap i forgot his name i studied him last year). Ive always been good at hidden meanings, and making people think.

Mr. Franklin:
Very true but very deep. i poem is to be without deep.


--- Quote from: Mr. Benjamin Franklin on September 24, 2010, 03:57:06 PM ---Very true but very deep. i poem is to be without deep.

--- End quote ---



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