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Portal 2 is part of the homosexual agenda
Members of RnD
Below is a link to either the best piece of satirical comic gold ever created or this site is serious beyond belief
A brief summer of the above article
1. His name is ICE VAN WINKLE
2. He uses BING
3. They burned in on a barbeque.
4. He locks his computer away.
5. Apparently it is possible to INVENT child molestation
6. Portals are sphincters
by all means explore the rest of this brilliant and eye opening site. You will shit out your dick. :trollface:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Also this http://christwire.org/2011/05/top-ten-threats-to-america-in-a-bin-laden-less-world/
--- Quote ---There are two adorable robots. Who doesn’t love robots? Kids sure do. Well, these 2 robots are a homosexual couple. The tall one is the dominate bear and the little one is the swishing bottom. Even the voices are clearly transexual which is a dead give away. I shudder to think of what life style choices a little child will think is decent after pretending to be one of these two mechanical gays. Instead of penises, they have glowing red and blue lights in their sex area.
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This christian would make a great Rule 34 author.
--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 06, 2011, 01:44:55 PM ---
This christian would make a great Rule 34 author.
--- End quote ---
Best Fanfic ever written?
Cake Faice:
I fucking lol'd.
Silly Ice Van Winkle, what will he think of next?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)lol @ the Kate Middleton article.
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