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Portal 2 is part of the homosexual agenda

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Members of RnD

Below is a link to either the best piece of satirical comic gold ever created or this site is serious beyond belief


A brief summer of the above article

1. His name is ICE VAN WINKLE
2. He uses BING
3. They burned in on a barbeque.
4. He locks his computer away.
5. Apparently it is possible to INVENT child molestation
‎6. Portals are sphincters

by all means explore the rest of this brilliant and eye opening site. You will shit out your dick. :trollface:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Also this http://christwire.org/2011/05/top-ten-threats-to-america-in-a-bin-laden-less-world/





--- Quote ---There are two adorable robots. Who doesn’t love robots? Kids sure do. Well, these 2 robots are a homosexual couple. The tall one is the dominate bear and the little one is the swishing bottom. Even the voices are clearly transexual which is a dead give away. I shudder to think of what life style choices a little child will think is decent after pretending to be one of these two mechanical gays. Instead of penises, they have glowing red and blue lights in their sex area.
--- End quote ---

This christian would make a great Rule 34 author.


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 06, 2011, 01:44:55 PM ---
This christian would make a great Rule 34 author.

--- End quote ---

Best Fanfic ever written?

Cake Faice:
I fucking lol'd.

Silly Ice Van Winkle, what will he think of next?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)lol @ the Kate Middleton article.


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