.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Anybody else go on Cracked?

(1/2) > >>

No, it won't hack into your Steam account and it has little to do with video games at all.


It's a funny site filled with short stories, columns, and miscellaneous articles of varying degrees of practicality, from "The 6 Creepiest Things Hiding In Your DNA" to "5 Insane Early Drafts of Famous Movie Characters" to "7 Most Heroic Con Artists of All Time" and tons more. Not to mention the people that write each article are fucking hilarious. Plus, if you're good with Photoshop, you could win money for making submissions into contests like "Product Combinations That Don't Exist (But Totally Should)".

I prefer to go on creepypasta for my dose of internet stories.

But this is pretty cool too.

omg that website is kinda awesome...


--- Quote from: How to Train your Dragon review from Cracked ---Everything is fine and dandy in Berk thanks to Hiccup - the Vikings have befriended the dragons, Hiccup's father has accepted him for who he is, and the glorious movie kicks back and waits for a few Oscars and a 2013 sequel, starring Robert Pattinson.

...Aw, fuck, DreamWorks, way to ruin the best thing you've put out since... forever.
--- End quote ---

Wait what


This is the funniest thing I've ever read in my entire life.


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