.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
..is that 18 bot years?
12:47 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: what is three times five
12:47 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: THREE times THREE = NINE.
3:51 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: Can you help me?
3:51 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: What kind of help would you like?
3:51 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: I need you to rub lotion on my nipples.
3:51 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: How badly do you need you to rub lotion on his or her nipples?
3:52 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: I just an Erection
3:52 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: Thanks for the information.
8:23 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: i have to go to the bathroom
8:23 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: Do you want me to wait for you?
8:23 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: come with me
8:23 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: What color are your eyes?
8:23 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: does it make a difference
8:24 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: That is a very unusual color.
8:24 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: yeah
8:24 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: Yippee!
8:24 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: don't touch me there!
8:24 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: Ok I'll try not to do touch him or her there too much.
3:57 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: Do you know coolz?
3:57 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: I know very little about coolz. What kind of it do you like?
3:57 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: Grape flavored.
3:57 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: Do not ask me any more questions please.
do want.
12:55 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: what is light
12:55 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: The form of electomagnetic radiation that acs upon the retina of the eye, optic nerve, et. Making sight possible. Also, opposite of heavy.
12:55 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: can you see?
12:55 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: I see very well.
12:55 PM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: how do you see?
12:55 PM - .:~RND`=- Minics Chat Bot: I use the camera on your computer.
*gulp* D:
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