Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: Peetah
Recommended by me and other admins For Admin
--- Quote from: Peetah on September 03, 2010, 07:42:33 PM ---First off, Me as a Full fledge Canadian I will start off as traditionally.
EH, My name is Peetah.
Name: Peter. (If your asking. Y did u name yourself Peetah. This is why...)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25853535
Age: 17
InGame Name: [BVR] Peetah -=RND~:.
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Time Act: All the time I get at home. Which is about 5 hours + the time I do my work.
Admin Experience: I am Mod of Omnicron server. Gained Omnicon's full trust.
Friends: I have learned to make friends with everyone I meet.
Skills: E2, C++, C#, Lua, Java, SDK, Computers in General (I work at computer Store), And Crysis Sandbox.
Builds: I have Built many many notible stuff in gmod. Including;
Mudkip, Vehicle Movement, Pikachu, Working Portal Gun, Apache, Black Bird, Instant Double Rainbow, Canadian Flag Animated Moving up Flag Pole + Full Anthem, Super Sayian, Harrier Airstrike+Combo Ac-130.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Removed, personal.
To become Admin would be real nice thign to have. Thoe I would still be very happy just staying in RND :)
Thx Coolz.[/size]
--- End quote ---
Very Well Written App
Good Job Pettah
VERY I mean VERY Nice Player(Ask For Help And You Shall Receive It.)
Amazing At Wire build
One Of the nicest players I have met
I taught Him all that he knows then he advanced in front of me.( 8))
» Magic «:
Yeahh I agree :D
Peetah = Friendly, Funny, Friend <3
I remember playing with him around march time, So he's no newbie
*Fixed his name in OP title
promotion tiemz :)
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