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What's going down in Drama Town
So one day on Facebook:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I cut off the part where I was talking about something I'd rather none of you knew, then I just got lazy but at least the 420 word OP is gone. Dunreaddeeslines kthnx.
--- Quote ---Spoiler (click to show/hide)Daniel Vernon Crim Oh does it involve the whole married thing?
39 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias Wait what? I hope you're talking about Rose ._. If so then no, this is IRL...
38 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias Because there is NO WAY I'd ever... that...dude... no... No .-. I don't feel that way, couldn't really. Not in me : \
37 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Oh wait what it's rose lol why u do that
36 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias Wait are we still talking about Rose or the other... thing .-.
34 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Y r u married to rsoe
34 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Rose
34 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias Her Idea :o
30 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias She has more than one you know :o
29 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Lol do u plan to keep it that way cause I made the mistake of going with rose instead of asking out this girl Taylor dude that chick who lay on u you should ask her out find out her name and other stuff
26 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias ^I should :o
25 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias Though the problem is Drama :[
25 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Lol she doesnt know understand the meaning of husband if she keeps this up she goin to end up dead tell her that
24 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Don't worry I can handle drama
24 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias When I fix my TV I'll tell her... or when she's online, or something :O
23 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias But like, can you handle drama involving another dude :s I swear as funny as it might be when I start going out with a girl and this stalkerbro starts a cat fight and I laugh my ass off, it's still like... "...wait, okay, so there's a 15 year-old guy and a 15-year old girl fighting over me... I'M WASN'T HERE"
21 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Ok dude I just want you to end up like me having the girl u like be with another guy cuz u chose rose I'm telling you it's a bad idea trust me
21 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias Woah woah It's not legit >_> Tazzer + Rose :u
21 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim I can handle drama from guys cuz in the end there the ones that end up crying
19 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias ^I once threw him and told him I didn't want 'any of this' but he still was giggling... it was not the best day ever : /
18 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Tazzer is making a big mistake tell him it's a bad idea
18 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Epic Bias k (PSSSHHh lol)
17 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Daniel Vernon Crim Also tell rose she needs to stop worrying about relationships and focus on reality cuz of rose I'm 5 weeks behind I'm supposed to have taken the act but I just tried to make rose happy which I regret doing I should have said no I too was dragged into a relationship with her I regret it dude tell anyone who tries cuz in the end it's will be not worth it
13 minutes ago · Like
--- End quote ---
Not only is he jelly :trollface:, he lied to 'Rose' about everything, about the rest of us and pretty much was talking shit about everyone else behind out backs to 'Rose', and that's why she broke up with him... she's like one of those really harmless looking man-eating plants... you touch it the wrong way and shit happens :D
I DON'T REALLY LIEK DISGUY BUT HE ADDED ME AND KEPT commenting and I was like... "fffffffffffffff shit just humor him .-."
So this is my life. On my other account that doesn't have a stalker... yet.
BUT I just had to post this because of the things in yellow :trollface:
Edit: News Spreads fast. She replied.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Brianna Rose Davis
Daniel, you need to stop bringing me up. My husbands (and wives) are just a joke that I have going on. just stop bringing it up. I left you because you were a lying son of a bitch, and it isn't my fault you suck at school. I told you... to do your damn work, but no. you didn't. So just get over it, and leave my joke with Bias at bay. how the fuck did you find him anyway? Stop stalking people. and you know what? I moved on. didn't think a word of you until I heard that you were bitching to my buddy over here. I found a guy I love, some great friends Like Epic Bias and Cody Hogan. So back the fuck off, and leave him alone. You got a problem, talk to me about it. Not through friends, or to other people that you don't even hang out with.See More
5 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Brianna Rose Davis If this problem continues, I will lose my temper, and not be as nice as I am. Have a nice night. ^^
Drama is the spice of life :trollface:
Not to be an ass, but I'm really tired and haven't slept for 28 hours.
Mind giving me the tl;dr version? :L
--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 04, 2011, 03:00:41 PM ---Not to be an ass, but I'm really tired and haven't slept for 28 hours.
Mind giving me the tl;dr version? :L
--- End quote ---
I complain about have both potential (Actually Legitimately confirmed :-X) a Boyfriend and and Girlfriend, but I explain I not want Boyfriend, but maybe friend, but it not work. Then I explain about Girl.
He think I say about marry. I not follow. I say name of friend, Rose, cause that about marry.
He think it real. She make me 17th husband on FB. We only play joke.
But I not mind cause I introduce Tazzer to her. She like. Happy ending.
He Hate Rose now. He made silly mistake and got dump online and IRL Long time.
So he rant about Her. Make big fuss. I humor him.
He Jelly :trollface:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)As short as Possible, but keep in mind the actualy convo includes his raeg :trollface:
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