.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Mr. Harper has a hard time saying "Les élections"

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Les érections fédérales par Harper

"the fourth federal Erection"

Vote for Conservatives?


you have?

Dale Feles:
For those who aren't french:

Érection = Boner

Obviously M. Harper is a douche and thinks that you have to vote for your favorite érection. I love Canada.


--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on May 02, 2011, 04:10:04 PM ---For those who aren't french:

Érection = Boner

Obviously M. Harper is a douche and thinks that you have to vote for your favorite érection. I love Canada.

--- End quote ---

You don't have to be french to knw that erection = boner
I think all of us here know that

Mr. Franklin:
Many women in that video were hockey fans. cool


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