.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Impersonation :<

<< < (3/3)


If ya see him in the servers with your name and im on

Nigga shit gonna go down

Never tell your password to anyone.
[Valor]iPounce: Dude
[Valor]iPounce: can you change your name
[Valor]iPounce: ?
[Valor]iPounce: please?
iPounce [Valor]♡ |NStyleZ|: speed is a virtue....not a talent
[Valor]iPounce: wat
iPounce [Valor]♡ |NStyleZ|: thats all I have to say
[Valor]iPounce: ..
[Valor]iPounce: First
[Valor]iPounce: you dont own iPounce
[Valor]iPounce: second
[Valor]iPounce: you dont even know what is Valor and where did it came from
[Valor]iPounce: and third
[Valor]iPounce: that heart on your name is kinda make you a girl
iPounce [Valor]♡ |NStyleZ|: look at my profile pic
[Valor]iPounce: ..
iPounce [Valor]♡ |NStyleZ|: yes
[Valor]iPounce: just fucking change it
iPounce [Valor]♡ |NStyleZ| has changed their name to iPounce [Valor]♡.
iPounce [Valor]♡: there
[Valor]iPounce: ...
iPounce [Valor]♡: better GOOD DAY SIR!
[Valor]iPounce: alright

don't waste your time with this guy valor let us deal with it.

So i've an Idea, Lets just put him into ignore list so he can't send anything from you. He has (3) on it when he copies my original name and ban him from the server.


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