.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
Yea,and you're still doing it.
Search on google for lessons or idk.
That doesn't really bother me but it will improve your current spelling level.
Alright, that is enough.
Horia, we have warned you three times about your attitude/actions in the forums, going to a random topic and posting "You're kinda lame" and then further insulting the person about his spelling is frankly, rather childish.
If you have a problem with what someone is doing, insulting them wont get you or anyone else anywhere.
I am banning you from posting in the forums for a week.
I recommend you start thinking about what you are posting a bit more in the future.
Kimimaro, while it is somewhat clever to try throwing people off balance when they insult you and agreeing with them, it still doesn't really accomplish anything, as all he was trying to do is get a rise out of you, and giving people acting like that anything will just encourage it.
It's a lot better just to ignore people like that, and when they do start acting like that, hit that little line of text in the bottom right corner of the post labeled "Report to Moderator"
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