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Interactive RND Cave Explorer Adventure!

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Dale Feles:
A all the way.


--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on May 02, 2011, 05:55:59 PM ---A.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Just 'cause I want to see your attempt to draw that.
--- End quote ---

Anyone else notice the unhappy sun?

Cake Faice:
Just as he began to get started, his stomach grizzled. Indicating that he really has to take a shit. But since his toilet was clogged from last week's Asian food buffet, he has nowhere to dispose of his feces. But for some time now, Peetah has been whoring off his new, 2010 hybrid Honda Civic along with recently waxing it. Peetah lives next door to Don, and Don does not take to kind to his recent actions. What should he do?

A. Sneak over to Peetah's car and proceed to take a giant, greasy shit on its hood.
B. Attempt to unclog his toilet.
C. Go over to Deacon's house to bomb his bathroom.


However, leave some flowers or something so Deacon doesn't flat-out kill himself.


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