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Stuck in a room with..?

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Peter Petrelli:
1.Choose your favorite celebrity

If you were trapped in a room with [Celebrity], justin bieber, rebecca black, hitler, and osama thought you have 1 bullet and a gun what would you do?

If I was trapped in a room with justin bieber, rebecca black, hitler, and osama I would either line them up and hope the bullet can go through all of their skulls..... in this order. Hitler (Ima Jew) Osama, REbecca Black...... and Justin can live if it must happen. If I can't shot them all then ima just have to bust a cap in my head after beating the shit out of them! :D Not rebecca black tho. That would be messed up.

Dale Feles:
Suicidal. The end.

Cake Faice:
1. Kim Kardashian

My dispenser would go down in the first place due to all the highly intelligent things she says. Might as well beat her sensless, have sex with her unconscious body, then shoot myself in the head while everyone else watches in horror/disbelief.

Peter Petrelli:
1.Jamie Chung

Shoot hitler, osama has a bomb strapped around his chest and tell him that rebecca black and justin bieber is the counter terrorist and he blows them up also himself   ;D


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