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Disney World

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Is where I was for the past 4 days. I was going there for marching and concert band competitions. We also went to 3 of the 4 parks (no Epcot). my break down of the parks:
Magic Kingdom: The Shit
Hollywood Studios: Amazing
Epcot: Good for having dinner but not much else
Animal Kingdom: Shit

In our competitions we got Excellent in both. This is the second highest rank out of 5.
We were 2 points away from 1st place in marching.


--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on May 01, 2011, 04:38:51 AM ---Is where I was for the past 4 days. I was going there for marching and concert band competitions. We also went to 3 of the 4 parks (no Epcot). my break down of the parks:
Magic Kingdom: The Shit
Hollywood Studios: Amazing
Epcot: Good for having dinner but not much else
Animal Kingdom: Shit

In our competitions we got Excellent in both. This is the second highest rank out of 5.
We were 2 points away from 1st place in marching.

--- End quote ---

Very nice

I also like the opposite symmetry in your rankings.

1st = The shit
4th = Shit.


Mr. Franklin:
 The Magic kingdom is a very nice place for everyone.

Dale Feles:
I never actually went, but it looks amazing, might try someday.


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