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phone ideas

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I need ideas for a new phone for my birthday (May 5th).

* Needs to be sold from AT&T
* PDA/Smartphone
* Touchscreen
* Little to no data plan
* Needs to be new, not refurbished
* Standard service type (Not pre-paid)

Save money for future released game = buy cheap phone.
All phone is the same, buy and use, buy expensive not worth.


--- Quote from: Kimimaro on April 30, 2011, 06:39:18 PM ---Save money for future released game = buy cheap phone.
All phone is the same, buy and use, buy expensive not worth.

--- End quote ---

I'm not the one going to buy it just FYI.
It can be expensive, but not like 9001 dollars.

PROO TIP: Dont buy anything with an apple on it.

Mr. Franklin:
meh get verision.


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