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Cancer is a bitch.

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--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on April 29, 2011, 09:50:34 PM ---It's a pain to lose someone so young and so close to you. With their lives fully ahead of them, gone just like that - sometimes made me doubt about everything in life.

No matter how many years from when it happened, that painful memory will remain fresh as if it were yesterday.
I honestly wish no human being in this world should go through such a pain, especially since it's hard to cope with.

I'm truly sorry for your loss. And I hope you never experience anything like this again.
My condolences..

A death of a young child should never be experienced in a family. Young innocent lives shouldn't be taken away.
They did nothing wrong, and they deserve to be given a chance..

I am truly, honestly sorry..

--- End quote ---

That really captured what I was trying to say. This is still messing with me... :(

You should never have to bury your children they should have to be the one to bury you.

It's sad to see all of this, I lost my Grandmother when I was 6 to Lung cancer, My great grandmother when I was 15 to Bone Cancer, My Great aunt last year to bone cancer and I pray not but my parents could have cancer.

I'm scared to know but I know my dad most likely does, They're going to quit smoking soon but I pray to god that it's not too late, That the time they finally give it up that it's already to late.

But I give my Condolences, I'm sorry for your loss, I hope things get better, If you need anybody to talk to just feel free to Message me.

Dark Byte:
Hey sorry about that Goat, I lost an uncle last year, he died from cancer.

May your sister rest in piece.

Dale Feles:
She's fucking 9.... I am truly sorry for your loss, these days we all know atleast more then one person with cancer.

20-30 years ago, there was barely anyone who had cancer, and we didin't have to cry for losses like this.

May she R.I.P. We will miss her.

I express my most sincere empathy.

rNd has as well.

I am sorry for your loss.


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