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Cancer is a bitch.

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Shit, Goat... I lost an uncle last year, exactly on my birthday, not for cancer, but it's still a loss. So yeah, I share your feelings of sadness. And I'm really sorry for it. Let's just hope she can now rest in peace. Best wishes, man.

 :quarterheart: :halfheart: :34heart: :fullheart:

Mariah Carey - Bye Bye (with lyrics)

That's really sad bro, Rest in Peace.

So young too. I really can't relate, because I've never lost anyone so far, but I feel your pain.

Remember, O Lord, the God of Spirits and of all Flesh, those whom we have remembered and those whom we have not remembered, men of the true faith, from righteous Abel unto to-day; do thou thyself give them rest there in the land of the living, in thy kingdom, in the delight of Paradise, in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our holy fathers, from whence pain and sorrow and sighing have fled away, where the light of thy countenance visiteth them and always shineth upon them.

Alex Mason, SOG:
Sorry, man. I feel for you. My grandpa died 2 years ago from cancer in his leg. What's sad is that he knew about it 1 yr before, but did nothing. :(

My dad died in 07 from an ashma attack, Not the same cause but still a loss.


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