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About that Royal Wedding...

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--- Quote from: » Magic « on April 29, 2011, 04:12:50 AM ---New king/queen of britain

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And right there is why its a big day Lol, lets face its about time you guys got a new queen Lol

» Magic «:
The current queen is actually quite funny :p


--- Quote ---Queen_UK Elizabeth Windsor
Mrs Cameron and Mrs Clegg look a bit uncomfortable. But then their husbands are holding hands.

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--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on April 28, 2011, 08:59:21 PM ---Is this like

the brits version of a presidential inauguration?


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King/queen =/= similar to president.

Also, I watched about a half hour of it in the mourning cause there was nothing on.
It was... slow ;_;.


--- Quote from: Shawn on April 29, 2011, 05:48:30 AM ---And right there is why its a big day Lol, lets face its about time you guys got a new queen Lol

--- End quote ---
She isn't becoming the new queen today ._.

I wish my wedding was that grand....

I wish I was a queen.


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