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I took 'information technology' as my A. First year is just going to be some Microsoft Word shit, the last year is going to be programming.  :D I'm still waiting for it.

Advice: Don't take any language if you are not even interested.
I took German at 3rd grade and i regret it, since i can't stop it.
Getting 5+ between 7 anyway, so fuck it and i AGAIN got into trouble, because i was just skipping it.


--- Quote from: Mehis on April 28, 2011, 05:27:23 AM ---I took 'information technology' as my A. First year is just going to be some Microsoft Word shit, the last year is going to be programming.  :D I'm still waiting for it.

Advice: Don't take any language if you are not even interested.
I took German at 3rd grade and i regret it, since i can't stop it.
Getting 5+ between 7 anyway, so fuck it and i AGAIN got into trouble, because i was just skipping it.

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Well I recommend taking a language in high school because a lot of liberal arts degrees have a foriegn language needed. Right now I need to take 2 more spanish or something. So if I would have taken it in High School it would have been much easier. Plus in High School they actively try to help you pass. So its not like you can fail unless you just don't do the work or something.

» Magic «:
Graduation = finished school for americans rite?


--- Quote from: » Magic « on April 28, 2011, 12:14:01 PM ---Graduation = finished school for americans rite?

--- End quote ---

Well You can graduate from any grade technically but what I meant was graduation from High School.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: bipolardiz on April 28, 2011, 12:15:30 PM ---Well You can graduate from any grade

--- End quote ---


das bo schit


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