.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
Senior Pranks
Man prank I can think of wasn't really that good. All they did was put this buzzer thing in the engineering teachers rooms and when they hit a button it went RIWERHGIIGBNIGHNG really loudly and they did that for a week. It was hidden behind the phone in the room on the wall.
last years Senior prank was done with seniors and also some staff.
They moved the principals car and 3 other office worker's cars on to the roof with a large forklift.
Shit was so cash
Err wouldn't know got kick out of school long before grade 12...
the only things we did for fun was set off fireworks at the school but that was about it.. we use to aim them right at the walls and watch them go "boom" as they smacked into the wall.
--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on April 27, 2011, 03:25:31 AM ---I remember at the end of my elementery, there was this bitch-ass principale, so we decided to all get cream pies, and all of my friends threw it at her yelling ''Fuck you bitch'' then we ran away. We never got in trouble for doing that :p
--- End quote ---
Silent likes his cream pies.
Leave on floor or in bathroom.
Walk away.
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