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Deacon's short and simple guide to regaining karma.

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Hello. I'm Deacon, and this is crap.
If you do not know how to play TTT, I would suggest referring here.

Have you recently killed an innocent as an innocent? Have you accidently'd your Traitor buddies? Perhaps you are one of the rare Detectives that have followed a false DNA trail? Well, no doubt, your karma has suffered due to this. I am here to help you get your Karma back on track.

First, you must realize that just because your karma is totally fucked, doesn't mean you can't play. The easiest way to get karma is to just be alive. You will gain karma by playing normal rounds. Just don't shoot anyone, and over the course of maybe 3-4 rounds, you will be back into a relatively playable position. However, you must be prepared to die for this small gain; I would advise browsing the forums after death, but be cautious that you make it into the next round. This tactic only works if you are alive. Also be aware that if you are shot at with low karma, it is more than likely NOT a traitor shooting you. Chances are its a person who thinks that killing low karma people is acceptable and strategic, even though they are innocent. If you have very low karma, I would advise you to not shoot back. Let yourself die; if you do not attack them, there is no chance for your karma to go down.

Also, as a side note: I would use the time in-round to follow the detective(s). Assuming that they are actually playing, you can learn the tactics and behaviors of your fellow players. Try to study how they behave; for example, someone who runs into a crowd and starts talking with everyone, versus someone who runs into a crowd and runs straight through, as though they are fixated on a target in the distance. The latter is usually someone running away from a recent "crime", although as I have stated, you should not fire on them with your low karma. Simply point out your suspicions. This is the best you can do right now anyway.

Second, understand that you are able to get karma simply by shooting the Traitors if you are an Innocent. In order to do this, however, you basically need to be absolutely positive that the person you are shooting is in fact a Traitor. The best way to do this is to work in conjunction with the Detective. Call them to the bodies of the dead, then follow them as they follow the DNA trail. When they determine who it was, be cautious in attacking. Sometimes, Innocents will kill other innocents and not say anything about it, leading to a false DNA trail. A good way to know if the person you found was a Traitor is if they start shooting you. An important point to remember is that as long as you do damage to the Traitor, you gain karma (usually 100+). Traitors typically start shooting once they are called out; it may benefit you to travel with a group, so you are not the first dead.

By now, you should have a general idea of what is suspicious behavior, and what is trolling. You should always remain cautious to shoot first, because you do not want to backtrack on the progress you have made. With your newfound knowledge, you are back into a playable position, and can continue playing as normal. At least, until the next RDM'r comes into the server and kills everyone.

A point I always remember is;

If you suspect someone is RDM'ing you as an innocent, let them do it. Their karma will go down, immensely if they are massing, and if you didn't shoot at all, your karma will actually go up. Next round, they will not be able to kill anyone.

If anyone else has good strategies/something to add, let me know. I just did this in 10 minutes or so.

Dale Feles:
Great guide! Already at 1000 karma now, but you never know.... :(

I just kill-steal when they find out who the traitors are.  :dukenukem:

1 problem here, sometimes when people shoot you in TTT, usually for these days' player, they will think he/she is rDM'ing, but how to we know whether she/he is a rDM'er or traitor? o.o


--- Quote from: Kimimaro on April 27, 2011, 10:41:05 PM ---1 problem here, sometimes when people shoot you in TTT, usually for these days' player, they will think he/she is rDM'ing, but how to we know whether she/he is a rDM'er or traitor? o.o

--- End quote ---

Sometimes, you just have to let the person kill you. Remember, if you're not sure, just let them. Then, if you were wrong, you won't lose karma.


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