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Today, I touched a cloud.
--- Quote from: Seb on April 25, 2011, 01:25:02 PM ---Not if it was fl;ying low enough, but they fly high because it's more fuel efficient, somehow.
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The higher you fly the less atmospheric drag there is on the airplane.
But most small private airplanes are un-pressurized, and thus limited to short 30min bursts at 12,500 feet. And 10,000 feet for the rest of the flight.
They generally will cruise at around 8500 feet, only increasing due to hills/mountains.
I doubt he was on a jet plane as those are ludicrously expensive for a private pilot to own ($7,000,000+), not to mention fuel is also very expensive. (expensive because of the quantity used)
A SuperCub can run you several hundred thousand dollars, and a turbo otter can be several million.
Planes are expensive.
Since he allowed him to take control of the plane, I am fairly certain the pilot owned the airplane, if he didn't it would be a great way to lose his job.
I've known a few bush pilots to do this with people they know before.
I am pretty jealous, I've flown in quite a few bush planes before and they are a lot of fun!
It was a Cessna 4-seater, we were at 2000 ft. That's like being on the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, pressure wise. And the plane was at 100 knots, about 115 mph or something similar.
Like what Xrain said, small sport aircraft fly low and slow enough to do that, but from personal experience id say its really fucking loud (without noise cancelling headphones which ill assume you're wearing) and it is ill advised to open the plane. Small planes are not pressurized and sometimes have small openings you can probably stick your hand out of, which I'm assuming he did.
In response to the OP, why the hell would you WANT to touch a cloud? its all wet and cold and nasty :(
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: Seb on April 25, 2011, 01:25:02 PM ---Not if it was fl;ying low enough, but they fly high because it's more fuel efficient, somehow.
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Less gravity = Less force needed to move?
--- Quote from: » Magic « on April 26, 2011, 05:20:04 AM ---Less gravity = Less force needed to move?
--- End quote ---
Again, air pressure.
Move you hand through tar, its difficult. Move your hand through water its easy. That's similar to the air near the surface and air high up.
And yes, I did wear noise cancelling headphones, but the mics except on the pilots weren't working so we had to yell.
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