.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Today, I touched a cloud.

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--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on April 25, 2011, 12:41:52 PM ---I think since it was a private jet, it wasnt really "pressurized" per-say.

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Not all planes are the same - and "private" can actually encompass a large variety from small single-seat planes, and smaller unpressurized aircraft to Gulfstream-IVs, Vs, and larger [John Travolta for example has [had?] a 707, and a 747.]


--- Quote from: Seb on April 25, 2011, 01:25:02 PM ---Not if it was fl;ying low enough, but they fly high because it's more fuel efficient, somehow.

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Might have something to do with the air pressure.


--- Quote from: Travelsonic on April 25, 2011, 01:25:32 PM ---Not all planes are the same - and "private" can actually encompass a large variety from small single-seat planes, and smaller unpressurized aircraft to Gulfstream-IVs, Vs, and larger [John Travolta for example has [had?] a 707, and a 747.]

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I doubt anyone would let a teenager taxi a 707.


--- Quote from: blah2355 on April 25, 2011, 01:28:07 PM ---Might have something to do with the air pressure.

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Air pressure is a factor, too, but I know the fuel is.


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on April 25, 2011, 01:28:18 PM ---I doubt anyone would let a teenager taxi a 707.

--- End quote ---

Of course not - but that's not the point.  The point is that "private" can really be ANY aircraft - and, from what I see / understand denotes operation, and not factors like size, capacity, range, etc in of itself.


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