.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

CS:S Event Game on monday 6:00pm

<< < (6/10) > >>

ya that was pretty fun :P

that was really fun, do more stuff like this photo and ill come :D

was epiclyfun

I am the co-coordinator. I found the servers lolol. Next time let's hope moo can host so it doesn't get ruined when 1337 hax0rs join and threaten to DDoS >:


--- Quote from: Jman on April 25, 2011, 08:02:29 PM ---I am the co-coordinator. I found the servers lolol. Next time let's hope moo can host so it doesn't get ruined when 1337 hax0rs join and threaten to DDoS >:

--- End quote ---


I can host it :l

Just give me the date when you want to do it, and I'll give you access to the server (like start-stop commands, admin, all dat shiz).


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