.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

CS:S Event Game on monday 6:00pm

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Peter Petrelli:
I'm trying to ask moo if he still has his css server

sorry not able to host today, but id be glad to do it another day if everyone would liek to reschedule

if you guys can come up with another date and another time, ill start setting it up when i finish what im doing


--- Quote from: Moo on April 25, 2011, 05:38:57 PM ---sorry not able to host today, but id be glad to do it another day if everyone would liek to reschedule

if you guys can come up with another date and another time, ill start setting it up when i finish what im doing

--- End quote ---
Ya and i record it.

when is good for you moo

naw just unlucky, today had some stuff to do that came up last minute

Im down for tomorrow around same time if anyone wants


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