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An item shop

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Dark Pacifist:
Wow it's looking insanely confusing. Too bad you can't just base it points in map reflect against score you earned points not used are lost but items purchased stay. Or maybe it can be done bwuhahaha. The magic of insanity = possibilities.


--- Quote from: coolzeldad ---You should know by now, projects finish on their own time.

I suggest investing a little patience with things you are interested in before your current tendencies cause the people investing time to think about who, it seems, they are wasting their effort for.

However, with the sheer amount of these responses it is unfair to weigh this just on you, however important it is to note.

Developers here are not servants to the players.
--- End quote ---

maybe we should just lock this thread until coolz make a post with this idea again.

Dark Pacifist:
Good Idea memo I didn't realize how old it was.

It's an idea combining points, shop, casino idea.

I have not worked on this past conceptual design.

Might start developing during December or January.

Thanks for posting point shop ideas and things

I want a Phantom of the Opera mask.


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