.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
Ok, gamefreak is a fag for doing what he did. That much is sure. But getting butthurt over some post about companion cube in a portal 2 thread is kinda lame. One example: I was waiting to watch the latest episode of my magical girl anime. It was the final episode of the season, and the show proved to be a mindfuck so far. So what do I NOT do. I DONT GO ON /a/ TILL I WATCH IT. THERE ARE GOING TO BE SPOILERS, FUCK! And there were. And the show was indeed a mindfuck.
Lesson of the day: It's ya own damn fault bish fo goin in the portal thread. and gamefreak is a douchehat.
For all of you out there telling me it was my fault for going on a Portal 2 thread, I hope you realize it was a Portal 2 "COUNTDOWN" thread. It was made BEFORE Portal 2 was released. I wasn't really mad about the Companion Cube thing, I was actually joking, letting people know that I don't enjoy things being spoiled.
Anyways, I finished Portal.
My thoughts?
Spoiler: CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM THE GAME DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE GAME SPOILED (click to show/hide)The ending was heart warming as fuck, I actually thought Glados was gonna betray me again. And I seriously thought Wheatley died when he was crushed... Sad though, he was my favorite character and out he goes into space.. Floating forever,
and ever
and ever
and ever.
Nice references to HL2 though, like the dock where the Borealis left. (Though I don't get why a dock would be 3000 meters underground
I did notice an error at the end of the game. When Apollo 11 left the moon, force from the ignition knocked over the US Flag. It was still standing upright in the game though. Lol.
Overall, awesome fucking game. Loved every second of it. Wish there could be a Portal 3 D:
Sadly I had to crack the game since my fucking legit version refused to work, so I can't complete the Co-op. Oh well, just gonna have to wait for a update that actually fixes something.
--- Quote from: DoeniDon on April 24, 2011, 03:58:05 AM ---Look, I get your point in this, but to keep repeating how much you hate it when people do that is like begging people to do that.
Generally, the internet is full of spoilers as soon as a game is released since, especially with a short game like this, people do finish it within very few hours. That's why I usually just don't go on the internet at all until I've managed to play through the game.
>gamefreak puts everything in a spoiler
>everyone still -1s him
Yeah alright.
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He was -1'd because the post was completely stupid.
He made a post solely to put the entire ending of Portal in a spoiler for no reason in a thread complaining about people spoiling shit. It was just stupid.
He WASN'T -1'd because he spoiled anything.
Well, at least that's why I -1'd.
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on April 24, 2011, 09:27:21 AM ---He was -1'd because the post was completely stupid.
He made a post solely to put the entire ending of Portal in a spoiler for no reason in a thread complaining about people spoiling shit. It was just stupid.
He WASN'T -1'd because he spoiled anything.
Well, at least that's why I -1'd.
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I -1'd him because he just posted something to piss everyone off intentionally.
--- Quote from: rocket50 on April 24, 2011, 09:55:58 AM ---I -1'd him because he just posted something to piss everyone off intentionally.
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