Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: sfmasters
sfmasters was suggested to me by other admins.
Wanna see what's your opinionz.
Hes A great player
Always nice to the people in zs that need help
Highly Recommended
It could be good to have a more dedicated zs admin since that is a very popular server. And I have played with him in zs a few times. Though it was such a long time ago that i played with him that i cant really remember much about it.
So id give a... +1/2? recommendation, not full recommendation but I would certainly not be against him becoming admin.
» Magic «:
Good player and always plays zs(sometimes)
:D +1
I haven't seen him in some time, but as far as I can remember he was a really neutral and level headed guy: a great candidate for admin.
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