.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Guides

Don's Index for Useful Topics in rNd!

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Don you forgot to add THIS thread in the useful index for useful threads.  :trollface:

totally not deacons idea to move to the new thread.

all dons



You include my Shitty ass guide for ttt <3.

Shit's pretty cool guide. But the beginning of the descriptions are reaaally same in the first post. It's all like 'this is' or 'well,'. Just some constructive criticism. Also +2.


--- Quote from: Frank on April 24, 2011, 06:04:22 AM ---Shit's pretty cool guide. But the beginning of the descriptions are reaaally same in the first post. It's all like 'this is' or 'well,'. Just some constructive criticism. Also +2.

--- End quote ---
Oh wow, I didn't even notice that. Thanks for pointing that out, will fix that ... somewhen ... in the future (read: never).


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