Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Frank

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i say no  :no:

Frank's Servers Administrator Application

♠  Name: Frank

♠  Age: 15

♠  Birthday: 12/12/1995

♠  Friends:
Sabb -- Profile/Steam Profile
Devie -- Profile/Steam Profile
coolzeldad -- Profile/Steam Profile
DoeniDon -- Profile/Steam Profile
Supertoaster -- Profile/Steam Profile

♠  Time in rANdOm: Since March the 29Th, 2009.

♠  Times active: Almost all my free time, as long as I have access to Internet.

♠  Time Zone: GMT -3

♠  Steam Name: FrankRND

♠  Experience:
         1. Been Co-Owner on Banana's server for as long as it was up, and I knew about it.
         2. Been Respected since like I joined. Until I was demoted, I think. Don't remember when. But still, spent over a year being respected.
         3. Been VIP too, at least for 5 months.

♠  Why do I want to be an Administrator:
         1. Even though there already are some administrators, most of them are inactive or aren't online when I am.
         2. I want to help this community as much as I can.
         3. I want to keep the servers clean and minge-free while maintaining the fun.
         4. It's badass.
         5. I've been here a long time, and I can firmly say I know the rules and how do they work. I may have been derpy in the past, but I'm cool now.

♠  How to contact me:
         1. Steam Account Name: frankRND
         2. Hot Mail/MSN: *****
         3. GMail:

♠  Contributions to RND:
1. English and Spanish version of the Language section rules.
2. Spanish version of the rANdOm SVN Manager.
3. Some migrated posts.
4. Minge cleansing when I was Respected.

♠  Games I have (on Steam):
Counter Strike Source
Garry's Mod
Grand Theft Auto
Left 4 Dead 2
Orange Box
Overlord Raising Hell
Overlord II
Velvet Assassin

Thank you reader, thank you voter, thank you poster.

best rigrds,

Oh god



--- Quote from: Tomcat on December 13, 2010, 04:55:47 PM ---Oh god


--- End quote ---


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