Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Tech

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» Magic «:
Have notz seen him in over 9000 hours :c

But he was good loyal funny etc player 9001 hours ago C:


--- Quote from: Moo on September 27, 2010, 09:00:23 PM ---naowz that he has internet faster than 1 kbps, i say yes  :yes:

--- End quote ---

He gets capped sometimes 15gb per month

I know I've already said my piece, but I'm hearing new stuff nowadays, so id like to add to what I've said before.

I have been hearing about tech being a little mingely lately. Not like demotion-level mingey, but I just want to get it out there; I've never seen or heard about Jim-onions minging. Although I support both of them for admin, I'd like to see Jim-Onions get admin before Tech if things come down to that.

I've heard a bit more about his recent "minging" activities, and it was more a case of escalation. Where one person started minging causing someone else to retaliate, pretty soon getting the whole server got involved, and tech was just noted as being far more effective in his attacks then the rest.

I've played gmod and on that wire-build server for longer than I care to figure out. I've seen just about any kind of minge imaginable, and I would not put tech on any list classifying him as even a little mingy.

I certainly wouldn't picture tech getting admin and just hopping on a server and going OMG LUL and exploding everyone on the server for shits and giggles.

If I had to pick two new admins right now it would be tech and jim. They are both excellent players, and have each contributed in their own way more than most of the current admins, myself included, to the Rnd community.

  :thumbsdown: so... unfortunately i thought tech had stopped minging -.-' ....


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