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Canada + Tim Hortons = Win

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--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on April 21, 2011, 07:51:32 AM ---Heh, I don't think it's common anymore.
When you went to high school that had to be just over 20 years ago right?
I'm sure most younger society acts a lot different now at say age 14 - 19 than they did 20 or so years ago.
I think most people in that age group now act a lot more juvenile and indiscipline.

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>20 years ago
>Shawn went to High School when he was 2 years old


--- Quote from: DoeniDon on April 21, 2011, 08:00:49 AM --->20 years ago
>Shawn went to High School when he was 2 years old

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LOL I was mixing his age up.
Okay so only a couple years ago.
I'm sure that there's still been change by then, or the area he lives in acts a lot differently.

i call everyone sir...

except my moms (current) boyfriend because he's in the ARMY and hates it.



--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on April 21, 2011, 08:07:58 AM ---LOL I was mixing his age up.
Okay so only a couple years ago.
I'm sure that there's still been change by then, or the area he lives in acts a lot differently.

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Its just more convenient instead of remember teachers names...

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Foofoojack on April 21, 2011, 07:03:15 AM ---You call your Prof. sir?
Or is that normal :s

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