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By "shitloads of money", we mean Notch had already made over 600,000 pounds from Minecraft alpha sales. That was a few months ago, I believe. 600,000 pounds = about 1,100,000 US dollars.

im playing survival (yes alpha, it dont take scientist to figure out how) and i havent seen 1 mob. i created a hugetower that overlooks the map and hits the top. ive even decided to mine other islands not to long ago and i havent seen 1. tho the damn cave noises scare me  ??? im on the hunt for diamondz now :D but i cant make bow cause i cant kill spider for string cause i see no spiders D:

In options. Change difficulty from Peaceful to Normal.
I have learned to cahnge diff back to Peaceful when mineing.
Ive lost diamons in the past cause of lava...

Real men play on hard. I've only lost a few diamonds. I'm at around 15 diamonds form ONE cave system after losing 3-4.

If u dig to the heart of a montain. ull find a HUGE cave system. Like all the time.


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