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Portal 2 Countdown

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This is seriously the most annoying play through up.
PORTAL 2 walkthrough part 1
I was grinding my teeth the whole time...

also heres a portal 2 review by an extreme Christian fascist about portal 2 sequel preferences and how it promotes homosexuality in the most obscure ways.

read the comments also.


--- Quote from: jimonions on April 26, 2011, 04:07:15 AM ---This is seriously the most annoying play through up.
PORTAL 2 walkthrough part 1
I was grinding my teeth the whole time...

also heres a portal 2 review by an extreme Christian fascist about portal 2 sequel preferences and how it promotes homosexuality in the most obscure ways.

read the comments also.

--- End quote ---

Christian Facist???

That's umm... New LOL

fascist also means intolerant - jim


--- Quote from: jimonions on April 26, 2011, 04:07:15 AM ---
also heres a portal 2 review by an extreme Christian fascist about portal 2 sequel preferences and how it promotes homosexuality in the most obscure ways.

read the comments also.

--- End quote ---

that's fake.
Author: Ice Van Winkle

really? LOL

Yes it probably is but its still hilarious.


--- Quote from: jimonions on April 26, 2011, 03:24:51 PM ---Yes it probably is but its still hilarious.

--- End quote ---

inb4 someone we know changes their name to Ice Van Winkle on steam and/or forums.


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