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Portal 2 Countdown

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So I made a Gabe Newell joke in their Fan Page where the cake was a lie lolololol.


--- Quote from: jimonions on April 19, 2011, 04:52:14 AM ---been playing for three hours. Its really good

ran into one chamber which was taking too long just no-clipped it.
im dissapoint valve you said that these were all reasonable.

it appears you need to get a box to shut off a lazer that shuts off a gravity thingy but to get to the box you need to shut off the lazer first. :/

no guides up either.

--- End quote ---

potato? y potato

Well, finished the whole game, only a few puzzles stopped me for more than 5-10 min. I kinda wished it had a bit more variety in game-play/ setting, but very good overall definitely worth playing.

--- Quote from: jimonions on April 19, 2011, 04:52:14 AM ---ran into one chamber which was taking too long just no-clipped it.
im dissapoint valve you said that these were all reasonable.

--- End quote ---

You had to no-clip through? All the chambers once you figured it out only took a few min to complete.

I kept expecting it to get really hard but... the difficulty remained relatively constant.

I only died maybe 10 times?


--- Quote from: Xrain on April 19, 2011, 06:20:39 PM ---Well, finished the whole game, only a few puzzles stopped me for more than 5-10 min. I kinda wished it had a bit more variety in game-play/ setting, but very good overall definitely worth playing.

You had to no-clip through? All the chambers once you figured it out only took a few min to complete.

I kept expecting it to get really hard but... the difficulty remained relatively constant.

I only died maybe 10 times?

--- End quote ---

Im only a little bit above halfway done. But I must say at the end of it all, my deaths are probably gonna be around 10 as well.

most chambers took a matter of minutes to complete but I was stuck on that one for over 30min. I don't know maybe it was because I was tired, it was midnight.

Anyway I finished the game and I have to say its the best game ever.
The story was believable and flowed seamlessly amongst a big variety of settings and happenings.
The ingame ambient music was good. I thought it was neat how those little things emitted music when triggered.
I was kinda surprised how the companion cube was introduced near the start but didn't appear later on.
The level design was amazing both visually and architecturally.
One thing that bothered me was the l4d style hud showup. Like press this button or press space etc. The icon is flat and boring.
I wish there were more developers like valve. The market is being overrun by cod / crysis rip offs.

On a side note I hope they at least update the main engine with something.
I'm not sure if portal2 had bigger map sizes because it would be insane to play on flatgrass doubled the size or gm_city x2.
Portal 2 also had fixed parallax occlusion mapping giving textures a 3d look. when your walking out of the elevator into the corridor look at the broken wall to your right or left. Its actually just a 2d surface. Utilizing this would greatly increase quality on any texture with bump maps.
It looks like portal 2 only used dynamic lights. If they completely got rid of lightmaps but still managed light bounce, ambience, and hdr then it would be a godsend.

Must look at portal 2 sdk.


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