Technology (Read Only) > Computers
Mah new laptop
--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on September 07, 2010, 03:49:05 PM ---Recommend a laptop for my sister?
*She's on the internet mainly. No games. No special gfx shit.
*She has an online job where she types a whole lot. So endless hours on the laptop or netbook typing, so it needs to be cool.
Imo, this laptop sounds really good for her.
But where to buy it cheap?
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Was going to say a tablet with keyboard but then i read the other half of you post Lol for her needs she really doesn't need this laptop since all sher wants is something that can write and play DVDs I'd suggest going into any shop and buying the cheapest thing you see... you could always buy a webcam with built in mic for like $20 (Windows life cam)
But if you have no problem drooping like $400-$600 then get this laptop but like i said above you could get a really cheap one for like $200 anywhere... While atleast where i live anyways not sure about prices where you live.
If your willing to spend a bit more money.
This would be the best laptop in its price range. Its always being sold out at the store I work at.
8 Hour battery. Ati 5650 (Probably better then Magics card LOL). nice small 14" not to small. And a fucking Core I5.
--- Quote from: Peetah on September 07, 2010, 04:14:35 PM ---If your willing to spend a bit more money.
This would be the best laptop in its price range. Its always being sold out at the store I work at.
8 Hour battery. Ati 5650 (Probably better then Magics card LOL). nice small 14" not to small. And a fucking Core I5.
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O.o over $800 shes not looking for a gaming computer or anything she might as well just buy the computer in this thread consdering its a hell of lot cheaper plus it fits all her needs.
I am helping her out since her current laptop is a macbook and well... she said "it's too sophisticated for me".
Well in my eyes...she's very.. rough.. Laptop on her lap, her boyfriend calls her cellphone: cellphone across the room. She sets the laptop aside (not so gently) and well, several times of doing this over two years made her macbook, idk... needing more maintenance and care than she expected. She's buying a new mac though. Selling her current one and using that money to buy another one. (to give to me :D ) and buying a laptop that fits her needs.
She needs a durable one in my opinion. Small but durable. no more than 15" please. No more than 900 or 800 dollars.
Get A Good Old
Dells are good for every day use
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