Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

04/7/11 Application: Pingaz


Pingaz's VIP Application

Trevor Shawn Childers


Birth date:

In RND since:
Um lets see I was here about a year for the old forums, and Ive been here for around 8 months so about 2 years, some where in that range...

Times online:
At this point unpredictable but any where from 3:30pm-11:00pm EST

Time Zone:

ConnlysSprings, NC

Servers I mostly play on:
Wire Build
Trouble in Terrorist Town
Zombie Survival
Rotation and Fretta (even)
And ummm... what was that other one...           ....Oh well it probably was not that important to remember.

Steam Name (and ID) :

Why I should be VIP:
FOOL>"I want to help the servers out." Nah but in all seriousness I believe I would be a great asset to the servers because I am going to be on a lot lately so I am convinced it might help.

Why I want to be VIP:
Well I want it to help enforce when the admins are away, and moreover I want to be able to use playX but that is completely personal.


Someone is holding up the round on Deathrun
Warning, If it happens again I will remind them one more time (unless on purpose), then vote kick, if player returns and continues to hold up the round I will vote ban them.

Someone is constantly suiciding as Death in Deathrun
Warning, then kick probably a few times and if they keep it up ban.

Someone is prop pushing on Flood
ONE warning then a ban I very much dislike mingies

People are money rounding in Flood
warning then kick even though this most likely wont happen with me there because I don't do flood very often.

Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
Is there not an auto kick any more? well if not I would kick them unless it was a flat out accident. if they did it again then ban.

RDMing the detective as an innocent
For this there is just no excuse, Iv'e seen accidents but most of the time it is not i would just ban them (to harsh? Idk)

Someone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and Flood)
warn, kick.

Someone is using a name changer
Depends on the actions of the person, tho the admins seem to be very strict on this matter I simply do not know what I would do depends on the situation I guess.

Someone is using an aimbot

Someone is using speedhacks

Someone is mic-spamming, general population wants him/her gone
I would tell them how to mute people and that mic spamming is not a kick/bannable offense.

Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
Depend on the way they are disrespecting if it is over mic I would tell them to mute the person. If its something mingy i would warn then ban them.

Contributions to RND:
I help people with anything they need help with on wire, I am currently using hammer and creating maps, I would be glad to contribute.

Things done In-Game
Wire build (Created a few Gizmos and whatnot)
TTT (well not much to say other then I play occasionally)

Games I have (on Steam):
Garry's Mod
Counter Strike: source/beta
Portal: Prelude
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R : Clear Sky
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (I can only play multi-player because of the weird spec's (my shader is to high for it(WTF?)))

Methods to contact me:
MSN: I'm to old school for MSN I got yahoo (
xfire:(Don't use any more)
Steam: Pingaz
GFWL (Games for Windows Live):JaGer BaWmB
Xbox Live:  (Its the same I had that game for a month and it got cracked gotta re-buy.)
ICQ: What is this I don't even...

A few friends a:
moo magic almost all the regulars...

Active in RND since:
Around 2 years including the old forums

"I'm not sure about this part, but I decided to add it in." FOOL

Thanks for reading this. And thanks don for teh layout.

No replies general?
No replies general.

Uh, I don't remember much about pingaz to be honest ... I know he used to play Flood and I don't think he was one of the good guys, but I'm really not sure.
I haven't seen him in quite some months now though, so I'll go by that. :thumbsdown:

» Magic «:



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