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ultimate chimera hunt

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Everytime we play this shet the physics break, not a coincidence, everytime. Anyways this gamemode is only attractive to 10 year olds or below


--- Quote from: red4rain on April 04, 2011, 12:11:27 PM ---Anyways this gamemode is only attractive to 10 year olds or below

--- End quote ---


Play Mother 3 ._.

Alex Mason, SOG:
wrong place ._.

This should be in the request section not report section. On the main forum page request is ^^^^^ from report.

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: bunnykilla on April 04, 2011, 01:21:13 PM ---wrong place ._.

This should be in the request section not report section. On the main forum page request is ^^^^^ from report.

--- End quote ---

Also, red4rain, rNd is aware of this, and the admins are trying to fix it, please be patient. Thank you for your support.

I found the error, But I forgot to copy it, It was a LUA error. The first round was good, Second it has LUA error ruining the physics and yeah, I can approve this.

I just forgot it where did I put that notepad.


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