.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

I can't fucking believe I fell for it

(1/2) > >>

(Both convos were around the same time, acknowledge the timestamps)

Never tell your password to anyone.
Friday, April 01, 2011
3:00 PM - Seb: Dude.
3:00 PM - Seb: wtf is going on with the website
3:00 PM - gamefreak171: nothing
3:00 PM - gamefreak171: ._.
3:00 PM - Seb: The forums.
3:00 PM - gamefreak171: http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php?action=unreadreplies
3:00 PM - Seb: oh wtf
3:01 PM - Seb: trying to go on via forum.randomgs.com leads you to some ominous message.
3:01 PM - gamefreak171: yes, i know
3:01 PM - gamefreak171: it's april goddamn fools day
3:01 PM - gamefreak171: .__.
3:01 PM - Seb: you're shitting me
3:01 PM - gamefreak171: >april 1
3:01 PM - gamefreak171: >site gets "hacked"
3:01 PM - gamefreak171: >totally legit
3:02 PM - Seb: right after i tell my mom i'm pregnant, i fal for this
3:02 PM - Seb: *fall
3:02 PM - gamefreak171: LOL

Never tell your password to anyone.
Friday, April 01, 2011
2:58 PM - Seb: Dude.
2:58 PM - Seb: Do you have any idea what the fuck is going on with the website?
2:58 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: got hacked
2:58 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: and coolz getting ddos'd
2:59 PM - Seb: Who do you think it is?
2:59 PM - Seb: Has to be somebody who ragequit
2:59 PM - Seb: and said they were coming back
2:59 PM - Seb: Malaka?
2:59 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: idk
3:01 PM - Seb: you've gotta be shitting me
3:01 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: fuck
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: doing homework
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: no calendar
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: what is today
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: 3/31/11
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: ?
3:02 PM - Seb: i know
3:02 PM - Seb: i feel like the dumbest ass ever
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: derp
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: LOL
3:02 PM - .:RND`=- Jman: can't believe you fell for it

Fuck you, Coolz.

Fuck. You. You had me worried.

What are you talking about Been on the forums all day haven't seen and message...

Seb, you'd best put down the pipe for awhile.


--- Quote from: Shawn on April 01, 2011, 12:09:32 PM ---What are you talking about Been on the forums all day haven't seen and message...

--- End quote ---
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waaaaat, idunno wut ur talking about


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