.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Xexxar: Community Response

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--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on March 28, 2011, 01:03:12 PM ---Trust me, I don't hate you. I had some good times with you long time ago.
I'm just not convinced you have actually changed, cause I don't know if that's realistically possible.
Clearly, you've changed your attitude since your blow up, but again, it wasn't so bad until those threats started coming around, and when confronted with something you don't like, I'm pretty certain it wouldn't take long for history to repeat itself.
These posts I'm making aren't to offend you either, I really don't hate you.
I just really don't think you should be back onto the servers. And forum.

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Why dont you just let me play then. If you have any problems then ban me perm again.

Does that seem like a bad idea?


--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 28, 2011, 01:02:52 PM ---Those 3 and you are more inactive than anyone else that knew me from zs. Except for maybe sab. And he doesn't like me cause I used to kill him. :P

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And now you're switching your argument up a bit because you can't think up a decent reply?


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on March 28, 2011, 01:05:03 PM ---And now you're switching your argument up a bit because you can't think up a decent reply?

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--- Quote from: DoeniDon on March 28, 2011, 12:57:38 PM ---I don't see how only votes of people that have been active in ZS should matter in this.
He threatened the RND community as a whole, not only the people on ZS.
Besides, I used to play ZS quite a lot, just stopped the past months because I got bored of it.
Get out.

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I'm just saying that we know Xexxar a bit better than you guys because we have been playing with him in the servers longer. Honestly I haven't seen you in ZS ever Don lol. I never said that only votes of people that have been active in ZS should matter that was what Seb said, I said I would be pissed if he didn't get unbanned from this thread alone. But in all seriousness this argument could go on all day, and I'm pretty sure nobody is changing their minds here. He made a few stupid threats to the server and got perma'd, and has spent 6 months trying to get unbanned, I think he has learned his lesson and we should keep a close eye on him, but I highly doubt he would do anything because I know he loves rnd.

edit: Don have you ever played in-game with xexxar?

As a really long-playing user from this community, I think my opinion matters more than some others'. And as such, I have presenced Xexxar's behaviour on the forums and I've been told by more than reliable sources about his ZS behaviour and talks.

So yes. I don't want you here, and I speak for many when I say you should've never even tried to come back.


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