.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Xexxar: Community Response

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And yet somehow myppl got 4 chances. Don't you think I deserve one?

--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on March 28, 2011, 12:42:51 PM ---
Eventually he's going to just go back to the same attitude and repeat his actions.

--- End quote ---

Doubt that one.


--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 28, 2011, 12:44:21 PM ---And yet somehow myppl got 4 chances. Don't you think I deserve one?

--- End quote ---
With the difference that myppl only ever abused respected without having DDoS'd/hacked/threatened to DDoS the servers.

And Seb finally shut up, all you did so far in this thread is quoting others that have said he should get another chance while repeating your shitty argument over and over again. Seriously.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 28, 2011, 12:44:21 PM ---And yet somehow myppl got 4 chances. Don't you think I deserve one?

Doubt that one.

--- End quote ---

myppl was being trolled ,-,


--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 28, 2011, 12:44:21 PM ---And yet somehow myppl got 4 chances. Don't you think I deserve one?

--- End quote ---
Did myppl threaten to DDoS and hack as much as you had?
Well, he might have threatened DDoS idk, but one way or another you can't compare myppl having more chances to your situation considering you did a total different degree of shit.

--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 28, 2011, 12:44:21 PM ---And yet somehow myppl got 4 chances. Don't you think I deserve one?

Doubt that one.

--- End quote ---
I'm pretty sure everyone has experienced what I was trying to explain one way or another.
It's your way of thinking that was the problem.

Coolz, I think the decision is up to you lol, the opinions vary so much in the community.


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