.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Xexxar: Community Response

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--- Quote from: Frank on March 28, 2011, 11:56:13 AM ---Word choice alone?

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--- Quote from: Frank on March 28, 2011, 09:55:55 AM ---I was like "Okay." until I started seeing some too many insults. Such as "I'm retarded" "faggy position" "huge nigger faggot" so yeah.

Fuck you very much, Xexxar. And then shove it up your ass.

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--- Quote from: Carp on March 28, 2011, 11:57:11 AM ---His was different he ddos'd which was attacking the server, and not known people who come in the server and hack are doing it to a random server, doing it to be a douche, and most likely won't apologize.

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Krasher never DDos'd the servers. He just hacked on them. And did some other stuff.
Xexxar did the same things, but threatened to hack everyone on RND and RND itself on top of that.
I don't see how simply pretending to be sorry for something should get you unbanned from something this huge.

... If we unban Xexxar, we might as well go ahead and unban hkill and Krasher.

I dont see the harm in letting him play during peak zs times. If he hax or something just godly perma banz. He seems sincere dispite him being unforgiven for past injustices. But Xexxar you must know that the past is never forgotten. Move on but never forget.

Mr. Franklin:
Their is no reason to bring Hkill and Krasher in the matter, just Xexxar and his actions toward RnD and our response. Nothing else.


--- Quote from: Death M.D on March 28, 2011, 11:58:54 AM ---Huh?
Krasher never DDos'd the servers. He just hacked on them. And did some other stuff.
Xexxar did the same things, but threatened to hack everyone on RND and RND itself on top of that.
I don't see how simply pretending to be sorry for something should get you unbanned from something this huge.

... If we unban Xexxar, we might as well go ahead and unban hkill and Krasher.

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Actually I didnt do that. I only threatened rnd itself.

But ok.

And I never really ever hacked on rnd. Cept maybe right before leaving.

Also its been a damn 6 months. People change.


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