.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Xexxar: Community Response

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Cake Faice:
I think Xrain and Gamefreak just summed everything up pretty well  ???

And there is something I havent said.

I originally just wanted to leave rnd in butthurtness about knowing I will never get moderator. Too which everyone seemingly sort of trolled me about. At least to some degree. To which I thought it, if I am going to leave, I should leave with a bang. But thankfully I stopped myself before I did the act. You guys are some of the greatest players ever. Thoughtful, caring. If you don't wish for me to return that is fine, I don't blame you. But honestly. I really miss the community. I miss the days of pwning minges. The days were I could go on the server and just have fun and not worry about getting ddosed. (cough exiled cough). I want to let you all know that I am sorry. And I would very much enjoy the opportunity to game with you guys at least one last time. Maybe it will show you that I actually want to come back to the server.

Until then. Have fun.


--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 28, 2011, 08:45:39 PM ---And there is something I havent said.

I originally just wanted to leave rnd in butthurtness about knowing I will never get moderator. Too which everyone seemingly sort of trolled me about. At least to some degree. To which I thought it, if I am going to leave, I should leave with a bang. But thankfully I stopped myself before I did the act. You guys are some of the greatest players ever. Thoughtful, caring. If you don't wish for me to return that is fine, I don't blame you. But honestly. I really miss the community. I miss the days of pwning minges. The days were I could go on the server and just have fun and not worry about getting ddosed. (cough exiled cough). I want to let you all know that I am sorry. And I would very much enjoy the opportunity to game with you guys at least one last time. Maybe it will show you that I actually want to come back to the server.

Until then. Have fun.

--- End quote ---

A genius once said "Forgive but don't forget"

KK 1 chance

you guys do realize.. this isnt as big of a deals as most of you are making it...

i dislike his previous actions and all just like everyone else but if you look a little bit more into it...

HE CAN BE BANNED AGAIN if he does anything, just chill out... if he REALLY wants to play and keeps asking for an unban like he keeps doing, just give him a shot and see what happens...

everyones gonna be watching him


--- Quote from: Xexxar on March 28, 2011, 08:45:39 PM ---And there is something I havent said.

I originally just wanted to leave rnd in butthurtness about knowing I will never get moderator. Too which everyone seemingly sort of trolled me about. At least to some degree. To which I thought it, if I am going to leave, I should leave with a bang. But thankfully I stopped myself before I did the act. You guys are some of the greatest players ever. Thoughtful, caring. If you don't wish for me to return that is fine, I don't blame you. But honestly. I really miss the community. I miss the days of pwning minges. The days were I could go on the server and just have fun and not worry about getting ddosed. (cough exiled cough). I want to let you all know that I am sorry. And I would very much enjoy the opportunity to game with you guys at least one last time. Maybe it will show you that I actually want to come back to the server.

Until then. Have fun.

--- End quote ---

>implying we arent ddosed lol.
Anyway He should be given that one chance!


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